Saddam Hussein's Execution A Public Murder, Says Dr Mahathir
KUALA LUMPUR, Jan 1 (Bernama) -- Barbaric, sadistic and a public murder -- this was how former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad described Saturday's execution of deposed Iraqi president Saddam Hussein.In a strongly-worded statement here Monday, Dr Mahathir said the execution was sanctioned by U.S. president George W. Bush and British prime minister Tony Blair, whom he labelled as war criminals.He said the sadistic act of broadcasting the execution to the whole world was a travesty of justice and meant to demonstrate the imperial power of the United States and served as a warning to peace loving people that they must either bow to the dictates of the Bush administration or face the consequences of a public lynching.... details click below:-
Komen yang memang telah dijangka dan memang sepatutnya dikeluarkan oleh mana-mana pemimpin negara-negara islam.
PM Hopes Saddam's Execution Will Not Result In Prolonged Violence In Iraq
KUALA LUMPUR, Dec 30 (Bernama) -- The execution of former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein must not result in the prolonging of violence and misery that have caused so much suffering to the people of Iraq, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi said."I fear that the sentencing and execution of Saddam Hussein will worsen the existing sectarian violence that has prevented any meaningful nation building or reconstruction from taking place," the prime minister said in a statement.He said the people of Iraq should resolve to overcome differences which exist between them and begin to embark upon a new era of national reconciliation and national unity......details click below
Biasa lah komen Pak Lah...semuanya secara umum sahaja. Tak ada komen yang lebih specific.
Berita penggantungan Saddam Hussein memang amat mengejutkan. Tambahan ianya dilakukan di hari pertama sambutan Aidiladha. Tanpa kita sedar ianya telah menghina umat Islam. Yang menyedihkan ianya dirakam dan disebar dengan meluasnya..Tiada kah rasa hormat terhadap agama Islam oleh pak turut US? Islam hanya pada nama, dendam lebih diutamakan.....inilah hasilnya apabila umat islam sendiri tidak bersatu...dan mudah diperkotak katik kan oleh orang-orang kafir dan sekutu dengannya. Selepas ini perang saudara di Iraq pasti akan bertambah hebat....dan yang bertepuk adalah puak-puak yahudi dan orang2 kafir. Siapa yang rugi?? Umat Islam....
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