Friend of mine having problem to connect to internet after done scanning on her computer using panda. It's show limited connection / No connectivity. My friend informed maybe because of the not enough IP provided at our level. He suggested to go to other level to test. Try to connect at other level also failed. I tried ipconfig /release and renew, still failed, when ipconfig /renew I am getting error as below:-
[will put the error later - forgot the error]
Based on search from Google, this is because of the internet connectivity has been corrupted due to invalid or removed registry entries. I believe this statement because it just happened after I scan the computer using panda to remove virus & spyware. I tried running winsock XP fix program & it's working fine after run the program. To download the program you may go to the link as below:-
other info about winsock as below:-
or maybe can try using netsh as below steps:-
start->run->cmd -> "netsh winsock reset" -> press enter (without quotes) -> netsh int ip reset c:\resetlog.txt -> press enter (without quotes)
Aranyaprathet, Thailand: Masjid Istiqbal
13 hours ago
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