Broom Award is the hot issue since last week. Two state government agencies which are Hulu Selangor district council and land office received the awards for their failure to collect assessment for 2006 above the stipulated 50% mark. I'm really surprising to see this broom award. There are many humane ways that are more effective rather than awarding brooms. I wonder do they think the impact before giving the award? Below are the statement from Dr Khir (his face look different laaaa... i heard his taking botox) about the awards.
“The broom is not meant to shame the officer but it is a reminder that the government wants all departments to buck up and improve to become results-oriented,” said Dr Khir.
At one side, i agreed by giving this award can increase PBT performance. BUT on the other side, how's government & our leader's feeling if they receive the same award for not perform? Think about it.
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